South Canterbury Neighbourhood Support


Neighbourhood Support uses the GetsReady database to manage the personal information we collect from people who join Neighbourhood Support.

We invite you to share your personal information in order to:

  • provide members with useful information
  • help new members make connections in their area
  • coordinate and connect resources and skills to those in need in the event of an emergency
  • know where Neighbourhood Support (NS) groups are
  • coordinate street contacts
  • collate data for reporting purposes


The personal information we invite you to share includes your:

  • name
  • contact information
  • location
  • skills and resources (e.g. those skills or assets you have that may be useful to someone in the event of an emergency. This may include things like being First Aid trained or having access to an electricity generator if the power goes out.)


We keep your information safe by storing it in a secure password protected database behind a firewall. This means only NS staff, and authorised technical personnel, can access it.

Your passwords are encrypted so no-one can see your password.

You, as a user, get to reset your own password.

However, Gets Ready is designed to share information in a planned and carefully controlled way so that people are connected in the event of an emergency.

If your street has nominated a person to be a contact (i.e. a person to coordinate Neighbourhood Support in your street) they will be able to:

  • See and update the information stored about those beneath them in the tree structure of a street group.
  • Communicate with the people in their group who have shared their details with them.


In the event of a Civil Defence or Police emergency we may contact you with alerts relevant to your location or circumstance.

We keep your information for as long as you keep yourself registered in the system.

Once you delete your profile all your information will be removed from the system.

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong and cannot manage it under your own log in.

If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at